
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Riddle me this

In honor of Heather’s and my 17th anniversary on the 17th of next month I gave my Sunday School students a custom-made riddle. I told them that they had until our anniversary to give me the answer, in writing, and that the winner would get $17.

So far I am in no danger of losing any money. One of my students mentioned that he googled the riddle but came up with nothing. Duh. Like I’m going to give a kid the price of a new CD because he knows how to google.

I think it’s a decent riddle, but that estimation is coming from someone who doesn’t typically care for them. Right now I am playing Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and the riddles and puzzles in the game are very good: they require a lot of thought, when you get them they make sense, and you feel like you have read the equivalent of a clever magic trick.

Riddles I despise are those that rely on some sort of semantics to cloak their meaning, and when you are told the answer, you simply feel like you have been deceived.

Like this:

Q: You have two coins that total 35 cents, and one of them is not a quarter. What are they?
A: I don’t know
Q: A quarter and a dime! I said one of them is not a quarter–but the other one is.
A: Tee-freaking-hee.

Anyway, I’ll post the riddle and the answer after our anniversary, and you can decide if it is clever, or just like most every other riddle.

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