
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Category: stories

Fus Do Clean!

So I was cleaning my study. I hate cleaning. But once in a while, usually while on vacation, I get this urge to clean. Everything. Yes, I’ve seen the meme. The problem with me cleaning, even when I am enjoying it, is that I clean the way I play Skyrim. No, I don’t mean I enter […]


My friend Mel, mother of the world’s most adorable baby, has a new baby. She coined this term based on a recent diaper change (I don’t know which baby’s it was). Thankfully, I do not have photos to confirm whether this qualifies for poop-mageddon status. Much as being a patient in a hospital debrides you […]

Incompatible women & music

The first cassette tape I ever bought was the soundtrack to Phantom of the Opera (I already had a pirated version, but wanted the real thing). Sarah Brightman played Christine, and I loved her voice. Shortly after I bought this I started hanging around with Noodles. She did not think very much of Ms. Brightman’s […]

Review: Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves

Nostalgia You know how you have fond memories of a TV show or movie from when you were young, and when you finally get to see it again as an adult (or in this case, older adult), it isn’t quite how you remembered it? Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s amazing, but some other times, well, […]

Quotable: Brad Bird

In the February 2007 Spline Cast, Spline Doctors Andrew Gordon and Adam Bergen interviewed Brad Bird, where they posed this question: SD: On that kind of same path, what is it that separates good CG animation from absolutely amazing CG animation, in your opinion? BB: Well, you know, are we staying purely on the topic of animation, or […]