
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Category: faith

Thanks, Siri

The other day I was dictating voice notes on my phone for my Wednesday night lesson at church. At one point what I said was “Three offices in Old Testament were prophet, priest and king.” What Siri translated was, “Three offices in Old Testament were probably pretty stinky.” While technically true, due to the hot […]

VBS Development Diary #11: Act 3

This week marked 4 months since we started working on this year’s VBS. Typically at the 4 month mark we are getting ready to perform, but we haven’t even created any props, sets, or costumes, and haven’t rehearsed a line. In fact, the performers don’t even have the script yet. The reason is this: despite […]


For years I have used and taught a maxim that our Pastor taught me regarding whether or not I should say what I am thinking: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? And by “used” I mean “I have tried to use this but sometimes I find myself speaking before I think and […]