
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Month: December 2013


I had never heard this word used as a verb until recently. I was in a small group discussing Facebook. Most of us mentioned that we tended to read posts from people who posted very little. One woman, whom I admire, said she skips posts where the same user is just reposting all of the […]

5 Years

As of the 5th of this month I have now been blogging for five years. It’s way longer than I expected. I started this thing after my TV went out and I was no longer able to play Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, and boredom really does breed creativity (I’m even thinking of throttling the house’s Netflix and […]


v., HEM-ee-ASS-uh-NATE, to do something poorly or shoddily as a result of a lack of care or effort. I created this word to replace another word. You probably know the word I mean. The etymology of hemiasinate is meant to be a literal translation of that word, from the root words hemi, meaning half, and asinus, from the Latin […]