
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Category: words


I have long despised bananas. Maybe ‘despised’ is too harsh, but I certainly was not fond them. Before July I only ate maybe four bananas a year, just whenever I got a potassium-deficiency-induced craving. Since being diagnosed with diverticulitis, I have changed my diet significantly for the better, and eat 1-2 bananas a day. But […]


YOOS-uh-fruct. n., the right to enjoy the use of another’s property, apart from wasting or destroying it. “It was the bridegroom’s duty and interest to see that the dowry was duly paid. He enjoyed the usufruct of it during his life, and not unfrequently it was employed….” –Archibald Sayce, Babylonians and Assyrians, Life and Customs. It is an […]


Any wormlike insect larva that lives and grows in manure. A miser “This was, methinks too high a compliment to pass upon Nabal, to call him the man that liveth. David knew better things, that in God’s favour is life, not in the world’s smiles; and by the rough answer he was well enough served, for […]