
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Category: stories

“Don’t forget to squish your cat’s head!”

I guess a lot of statements make a lot more sense when heard in context. Our cat, Puck, came to live with us in November of 2009. Heather had fallen in love with him when she took her ugly dog to the vet (the same vet who told Heather her dog was ugly). Puck was entirely […]

You can’t say that here

A couple of years ago I went on vacation and instead of going floating and camping, I went to the hospital and was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation. While I was in the hospital undergoing treatments you couldn’t use on people in Guantanamo, Heather stayed with me almost the entire time. After I had been there […]


At my last job, one of the secretaries, Elaine, related this story about her husband: “One day he had decided to try to help with the housework. I came home from work and saw that he had made the bed. He did a terrible job and I laughed and laughed.” Then, there was kind of […]

One More Ride: Chapter 1: Down and Out

The doorbell was ringing. Again. Norville Rogers walked from his study in the back of the house around the left staircase, across the parquet floor, past the marble Venus to the front door. He stood there a moment as the bell continued ringing. He took a deep breath, blew it out, and finally answered the […]