
Faith, Books, and Stuff

‘scuse me while I kiss this guy

I don’t know how long people have been mishearing lyrics to songs; I guess as long as there have been songs. Of course ‘Excuse me while I kiss this guy,’ from Jimi Hendrix’s Purple Haze is probably the most famous. For years a female I won’t mention thought that song in Austin Powers was Secret Asian Man, and one of my old bandmates thought that line from the Beatles’ Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was, ‘A girl with colitis goes by.’

My brother frequently misheard lyrics, though he tended to hear things that I won’t print on this blog. He even misheard bilingually. In Beck’s Loser, he thought for sure that soy un perdedor (I’m a loser) was soy un…something else.

A few years ago I was walking with The Bob and I mentioned the Casting Crowns song In Me.

ME: You know how it says, ‘I’d give my last breath for Your glory?’

THE BOB: Yeah.

ME: For a long time, I thought it said, ‘I’d kill my best friend for Your glory.’

THE BOB: Gulp.

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