
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Lookin’ for Chinese in the all the wrong places

A couple Fridays ago at work we ordered Chinese from China Dragon; it had been a long week and we had taken a real beating and we deserved some takeout. Rob called to order our food at 11 a.m., and we waited. And waited. By noon they still hadn’t arrived. I was starved, but I didn’t want to eat just in case they showed up. I left my desk to go complete some work.

While I was gone Rob had called and asked where our food was. Somehow, they couldn’t find our eight-story, six-building campus. At 1:30pm the owner drove back out with our food.

No, not fresh food; our food that we ordered at 11am that had been transported somewhere in town and back to sit on the counter for another 90 minutes.

As Rob paid for our order the owner spoke up.

“You got microwave?”

“Yeah,” said Rob.

“Good! You gonna need it!”

Update: this China Dragon is distinctly different from the China Dragon in Concordia, Missouri.

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