“I’m a big woman; I need a big inbox.”
Faith, Books, and Stuff
Category: overheard
“I ran into a girl online that I hadn’t seen since gradeschool. She asked me how I was doing. How do you sum up 50 years of your life in one sentence?” (pauses) “It sucks!”
“I hope no girls find me attractive when I’m in high school. I’m going to be a geek like my big brother; no girls try to date him.”
“Upstairs noodles?”
“Really I’ve always said, a 1/4 inch, an 1/8 inch, it all depends on the person.”
“So I called my mom and I’m like, ‘I am going to choke to death on dry Crunchberry cereal and die alone in my apartment and nobody will know.’”
“It goes so slow, but if you jump straight up you won’t move an inch.”
Guy: type a Zee Woman: Vee? Guy: Zee! Woman: Vee as in Victor? Guy [frustrated]: No! Zee as in xylophone!
Woman: “We have medium, and there are large behind you. What size do you need?” Rotund Guy: “Texas!”
“But, the smoker, I’ve killed a couple of people with the smoker.”