
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Honda CT90 Trail Bike: Part 3 – Helmet

Next I needed a helmet. At first I was going to try to pick up a used helmet, but then I saw you could get one for like $45 at Walmart.

However, helmets at Walmart don’t even have a brand name–I don’t mean a fancy brand name, I mean a brand by which to identify the manufacturer at all.

I decided to do some research, and soon concluded that I didn’t really want to go cheap on a purchase I was going to put my brain inside of. Most all recommendations said to get a Snell Certified Helmet. Snell’s standards are much higher than the DOT’s.

Recommendations also said to go try the helmets on in person as well. I asked my brother, who has ridden bikes for years where to go. My wife asked one of her friends on the highway patrol. Both pointed me to the same place: Dell’s PowerSports in Blue Springs, Missouri.

My helmet requirements were:

  • SNELL certified
  • Inexpensive (as far as SNELL helmets go)
  • Not too flashy–after all, I’m driving a 90cc bike

My *preference* would have been a gloss black helmet, but I got one that was flat black. Looks great, but provides no extra visibility for others to see me, so I bought some reflective tape and put some red stripes on the back and some white stripes on the front and sides.

Helmet Cost: $156

Reflective Tape: $6

Total Cost so far (including 1st year of insurance):


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