
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Review: Up

Last night I saw Pixar’s latest movie, Up

It was brilliant. For those of you who either haven’t seen it or, hopefully, haven’t even seen the trailers, I will just say this: go see it.

Personally, I try not to watch trailers anymore, as it seems some of Hollywood’s most talented people make awesome trailers for crummy movies, and you have preconceived notions about what is going to happen when you see the movie.

At any rate, Up is awesome.

However, it may make you very angry. Let me explain.

When you see a movie like Up, you realize what the problem with the movie industry really is: it’s that most movies stink.

Or in the cases of Paul Blart: Mall Cop or Monsters vs. Aliens, they stink like a rotting squid corpse filled with pig sewage sitting in the sun in August in Missouri.

The reason you may be angry after watching Up is that you realize every movie should be this good. Every movie made today with even an average budget should make you that happy to go to the movies.

And when it’s a bad movie (see previous paragraph), you feel ripped off. Much like when a sequel doesn’t live up to its previous chapters (yes, I’m looking at you Ghostbusters 2, MIB 2, Hellboy 2, Indy 4, and Pirates of the Caribbean 2 & 3).

At any rate, the reason Up is so great is this: Pixar’s vicious dedication to delivering a great, focused story with characters you actually care about.

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