
Faith, Books, and Stuff

VBS 2013 Development Diary: #12: Stepping Up

Every year we do Bible school I supervise  most aspects of the skit: writing, direction, set building, prop construction, casting, and rehearsal (I have a lot of input on the music and costumes, but not usually enough expertise to give useful input). I usually have some people who take care of some of these once I get the ball rolling: Heather often takes over rehearsals, Allison always takes care of music and soundboard, Greg makes all of the weapons, Bruce tempers my wordy Shakespearean wit with punchy Three Stooges gags.

This year more than any other I was blessed with several people who stepped up to take charge of large chunks of stuff that I normally would have spread myself too thin trying to keep together–and they did so brilliantly, frequently with little or no input from me. Teresa supervised almost the entire construction of the papier-mache rocks; Joe oversaw construction of the bamboo cage, door, and boobytrap; Jacob and Frank made the thrown-dagger special effect; Allison and Jesse built the armor; Allison composed the theme music and wrote parts for the musicians; Elsa, Lex, Amelia, Jacob, Ethan, and Trenton choreographed fight scenes; Allison and Tabitha came in during the day and built large portions of the stage; Sherry, Audrey, and Allison sewed costumes.

I’ve likely missed a couple of people, but the point is that a lot of people took greater leadership roles which freed me up to act and direct rehearsals. Overall, I would say that because of this extra effort on so many people’s parts, this was probably the best experience I have had doing VBS–which is really saying something.

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