
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Dan Visits the Social Security Office

We need to get Social Security cards for our daughters.

I dropped by the SS office in Independence yesterday afternoon. I didn’t know what time they closed, I just assumed it would be similar to other government offices. Turns out the office hours were 9-3:30.

So I had to leave work mid-day to get there today. I passed through the foyer and was greeted by a guard and a No Weapons sign.

“Do you have any weapons?”


“Any blades at all?”

So I had to take my utility knife back out to the car, during which time five more people got in line in front of me. I guess they could have put the No Weapons Including Tools That Aren’t Really Weapons sign on the outside of the building, but maybe weapons are allowed in the foyer, and not the office.

I mean, really, did they think I would hijack the office and fly it into another office? Secondly, if utility knives are so deadly, why don’t they issue them to cops? The guard didn’t have one—he had a freakin’ gun.

On the wall in the lobby was a corkboard with two items posted side by side:

So lemme get his straight—I can’t have weapons here, but you have weapons here. I can’t take pictures here, but you take video. As The Tick would say, “Spelling ‘America’ with a ‘k’ are we?”

Tell me again why these guys should be in charge of health care?

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