
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Ray Bradbury

Ray Bradbury passed away recently at the age of 91.

I was 14 when I bought my first Bradbury book at the Higginsville Country Fair book sale in 1986. It was a paperback copy of The Illustrated Man. I bought it partly because I knew the name Ray Bradbury, but not knowing why he was important. Over the next few years I would acquire a large collection of paperback collections of his short stories. A few years ago I finally acquired my first hardback–a first edition hardback of, again, The Illustrated Man, from my favorite bookstore, 2nd Street Books in Osceola.

It was just the Saturday before Bradbury passed away that Elsa brought me this book from her room, and I commented for the umpteenth time that I should write to see if he would autograph it.

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