
Faith, Books, and Stuff

I’m not Daniel Radcliffe

So, like, my so-called friends say I look like Harry Potter, on account of my youthful appearance and resemblance to Daniel Radcliffe.

So anyway, I’m in line at the airport. I’ve already got my ticket and made it through the gate and I’m just about to step onto the plane and the Air Marshal pulls me aside. I’m like, crud, man, because, I cannot miss this flight, cuz my cruise leaves tonight.

He says, “It’s really great to meet you! You know, my daughter just loves your movies.”

“Look,” I said, “I’m not an actor. I’m just a regular guy trying to make his flight.”

“Yeah, that’s what I’d say if I was famous,” he replies.

I just stand there looking stupid, because it’s simultaneously stupid and logical.

“I would really appreciate it if you would read the first book to my daughter on the flight,” he says, smiling really big.

So now I know John put him up to this or something, so I say, “Heck no! I’m on vacation, and I’m not spending my first two hours of freedom reading to some kid!”

The smile disappears. Either this guy is really, really good, or….

“I’m sorry to hear that,” he says bitterly, eyes narrowing. And then he turns to one of his several deputies who have started to crowd around. I realize I have about 2 seconds to keep from missing this flight.

“Hey, I’m sorry,” I say contritely. “For a moment there I forgot the people who made me what I am. I’d love to read to your daughter.”

The smile returns. “I knew I could count on ya!” he says, and personally ushers me onto the plane.

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