
Faith, Books, and Stuff

Month: January 2009

Review: Trouble is My Business

While I was at my in-laws over Christmas, I picked up Trouble is My Business, a collection of four short Philip Marlowe stories by my favorite detective novelist, Raymond Chandler. If you haven’t read Chandler, he writes very economically, kind of the Anti-Tolkien. Where Tolkien might include the names of a landmark in three languages […]

No Comment

You may have noticed I have disabled comments on my blog. That is because I don’t care what you think. Just kidding. The real reason is this: having previously been the webmeister and moderator for messageboards, I have seen that civil discussion online is impossible, even among good people and good friends. While I did say ‘online,’ I […]

Review: Habashi House

My friend Kaleb introduced us to a new place to eat called Habashi House, located in the City Market in Kansas City, Missouri. The place is amazing. We always get the same thing, which is the lunch special consisting of a gyro accompanied by either rice, hummus, or salad. Coffee and hot tea are free. […]